Episode 187: A spine-tingling look at neuropathic pain – PART III
In episode 187, Mike and James – actually it was mainly Mike – finally get to the painful end of the neuropathic pain trilogy. We discuss all the second and third line options and conclude that there are a lot of options but none work really well and side effects are often limiting. At the end we recommend that clinicians get patients with neuropathic pain to listen to the TEC podcast as this gives the equivalent effect to that seen with high dose narcotics.
Show notes
1) Carbamazepine
Cochrane CD005451
2) Valproate
Cochrane CD009183
3) Opiods
Cochrane CD006146
4) Capsaicin
Cochrane CD007393
Cochrane CD010111
Clin J Pain 2012;28:101–7
Neurology 2008;70;2305-13
5) Topical lidocaine
Cochrane CD004846
6) Lacosamide
Cochrane CD009318
7) Lamotrigine
Cochrane CD006044
8) Cannabis
Pain Medicine 2009;10:1353-68
CADTH: 13 July 2010, Cannabinoids for the Management of Neuropathic Pain
9) Therapeutic touch
Cochrane CD006535
10) Systemic local anesthetics
Cochrane CD003345
11) TENS machines
Cochrane CD003222
12) Psychology (mainly CBT)
Cochrane CD007407
13) Antipsychotics
Cochrane CD004844
14) Vitamin B
Cochrane CD004573
15) Other
Cochrane CD003904
Cochrane CD007796
16) Drug combinations
Cochrane CD008943