TEC: Evidence Based Therapeutics
Therapeutics Education Collaboration
Medication Mythbusters – Home of the Best Science (BS) Medicine Podcast

The BS Medicine Podcast episodes are presented by James McCormack and Michael Allan. We try to promote healthy skepticism and critical thinking and most of the podcasts are presented in a case-based approach. We also try to inject some humour into the whole process to make the learning more interesting. Occasionally we have great guests like Mike Kolber, Tina Korownyk and Bruce Arroll help us out.

Most podcast episodes are available for free until they become archived after about 1-2 months. Every 4th episode or so is a “New Studies You Need to Know About” podcast and these will only be available to our Premium Podcast members. Premium members will also be able to listen to all archived episodes since episode #1.

Episode 598: Insomnia – hours of sleep is not the goal! – PART II

In episode 598, James and Mike continue to talk with David Gardner about the issue of insomnia. We discuss his latest, very cool, Your Answers When Needing Sleep (YAWNS NB) randomized clinical trial. YAWNS was a pragmatic, open-label, minimum-contact, RCT where people with long-term use of benzodiazepines and current or past insomnia were randomly allocated to different mailed behavior change interventions or no intervention. They found that in people who got the intervention more of them stopped or reduced the dose of their benzodiazepines and more improved their sleep. Tune in for the numbers for this simple intervention.

Show Notes

The YAWNS NB trial

Booklets: order booklets via the Resource Centre

Sleepwell, a research and knowledge translation program based out of Dalhousie University in Halifax, includes tools, resources, and recommendations for patients, the public, and health care professionals.

Some features and resources to explore are:
Sleepwell stories (patient and health care professional video and written accounts)
Clinicians – short videos on how to use get what you need from the website for patient care, and CBT-I training options
Sleepwell recommends – vetted reviews and recommendations for self-help CBT-I programs
Sleeping pills – content to motivate and facilitate safely ending long-term use of sedatives
Tools – sleep diary, online sleep calculator (with guidance for time-in-bed restriction therapy), behaviour change tools (CBTi vs. Sleeping Pills)

Zopiclone’s residual effects on actual driving performance in a standardized test: a pooled analysis of age and sex effects in 4 placebo-controlled studies
Clin Ther 2014 Jan 1;36(1):141-50. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2013.11.00

Episode 597: Insomnia – hours of sleep is not the goal!

In episode 597, James and Mike invite David Gardner to talk in depth about the issue of insomnia. We talk about triggers, precipitating factors, acute and chronic insomnia, and chronic use of sleeping pills. We discuss Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I) and how his team has developed a comprehensive website, Sleepwell, that provides patients and clinicians with great tools and recommendations for the self-care of chronic insomnia. Mike stays awake for the whole podcast and James only has a brief nap.

Show Notes

Sleepwell, a research and knowledge translation program based out of Dalhousie University in Halifax, includes tools, resources, and recommendations for patients, the public, and health care professionals.

Visit https://mysleepwell.ca/

Some features and resources to explore are:
Sleepwell stories (patient and health care professional video and written accounts)
Clinicians – short videos on how to use get what you need from the website for patient care, and CBT-I training options
Sleepwell recommends – vetted reviews and recommendations for self-help CBT-I programs
Sleeping pills – content to motivate and facilitate safely ending long-term use of sedatives
Tools – sleep diary, online sleep calculator (with guidance for time-in-bed restriction therapy), behaviour change tools (CBTi vs. Sleeping Pills)

Episode 596: PREMIUM – A painful podcast about methotrexate and walking for pain

In episode 596, Mike and James talk in a PREMIUM way about three trials that used methotrexate for osteoarthritis and walking for back pain. Nothing miraculous but there seems to be an effect – so have a listen. Show Notes Pain Reduction With Oral Methotrexate in Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Ann Intern…

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Episode 595: How to slow the flow: Combined oral contraceptives

In episode 595, Mike and James invite Jennifer Young back to talk about the use of combined oral contraceptives for heavy menstrual bleeding (benign etiology) and see if they improve patient outcomes. They do! Have a listen to get all the numbers and see how they compare to using levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine devices or NSAIDs.

Show notes

Tools for Practice
1) How to Slow the Flow: Combined oral contraceptives
2) How to Slow the Flow: Tranexamic acid for heavy menstrual bleeding
3) How to Slow the Flow: Levonorgestrel intrauterine systems for heavy menstrual bleeding
4) How to Slow the Flow: NSAIDs for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Episode 594: Bumpin’ Up the Protection? RSV Vaccine in Pregnancy

In episode 594, Mike and James invite Samantha Moe back to talk about the use of the RSV vaccine in pregnancy. The only way to have an informed conversation around this vaccine is to know the numbers. If you listen to the whole podcast, you’ll get all the numbers available to date.

Show notes
Tools for Practice
1)Bumpin’ Up the Protection? RSV Vaccine in Pregnancy

2) Preventing RSV Infections in Infants

3) Preventing RSV in the elderly

Episode 592: Pharm for Fibro: Can antidepressants ease the pain?

In episode 592, Mike and James invite Jennifer Young back to the podcast to review the evidence around the use of antidepressants in the challenging pain condition of fibromyalgia. We find there is an effect but, if you are going to help people make decisions, what you really need to know are the numbers for the benefits and harms around the use of these medications. We give you those, so have a listen.

Show notes
Tools for Practice
Pharm for Fibro: Can antidepressants ease the pain?

Episode 591: Testosterone supplementation for cis-gender men

In episode 591, Mike and James invite Samantha Moe back to the podcast to review the evidence for using testosterone in older men. We talk about the impact testosterone supplementation has on sexual function, strength, fatigue, cognition, quality of life, and harms. There are 16 systematic reviews so we do have pretty good evidence – have a listen and see what the evidence says about what testosterone supplementation might do or not do.

Show notes
1) Tools for Practice
Testosterone supplementation for cis-gender men: Let’s (andro-)pause for a moment

Episode 590: PREMIUM – 3 publications with possibly surprising results

In episode 590, Mike and James talk in a PREMIUM way about a new trial that looked at the question, does depression screening provide any benefit in primary care? We also go over a case-finding publication on screening for asthma/COPD. At the end we look at, does implementing guideline care improve outcomes for CKD? The…

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BS Medicine Podcast

The 2025 MEME Conference – May 9-10, 2025


Making Evidence Matter For Everyone | May 9-10, 2025
From the clinicians who brought you the Best Science Medicine Course and the Meds Conference, as well as the BS Medicine Podcast and Tools for Practice




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BedMed: The High Blood Pressure Study

This pragmatic trial is now recruiting in BC. Make a difference and get involved with pragmatic trials (www.pragmatictrials.ca)

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