TEC: Evidence Based Therapeutics
Therapeutics Education Collaboration
Medication Mythbusters – Home of the Best Science (BS) Medicine Podcast

Episode 222: Do we have any treatments for osteoporotic vertebral fracture pain?

In episode 222, James, Mike and Tina discuss why calcitonin was taken off the market and then what is still available to reduce the pain associated with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. At the end we realize we really don’t have a lot and there is no evidence to really guide us so basically all we can do is use analgesics. So, Mike and Tina give James some morphine and they notice absolutely no change at all in his demeanour.

Show notes

 1) Calcitonin withdrawal: Now what for acute vertebral fractures?

Tools For Practice

Episode 221: Finally getting the cholesterol guidelines right – almost

In episode 221, James, Mike and Tina delve into the newly released 2013 ACC/AHA guideline on the treatment of blood cholesterol to reduce atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk in adults. We discuss the highlights of the guidelines and how it appears the guidelines are, low and behold, actually following the evidence. The only caveat is we felt they should have had a stronger focus on patient preferences rather than the somewhat black and white approach they took to who should get a statin. Nonetheless, we discuss how this can be done yet still be true to the guideline. At the end we all decide we are basically happy – at least on the inside.

Show notes

1)  2013 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Risk in Adults

Episode 220: Confusing confidence intervals

In episode 220, James and Mike delve into the scary evidence zone of statistical significance. We discuss p-values, confidence intervals and in a confusing manner explain why many authors are confused about what is actually quite a simple concept. We also show how misinterpretation leads to inappropriate author conclusions. At the end we decide the podcast overall trended towards marginal significance.

Show notes

1) How confidence intervals become confusion intervals

BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013, 13:134  doi:10.1186/1471-2288-13-134

See List of All Podcast Episodes


BS Medicine Podcast

The 2025 MEME Conference – May 9-10, 2025


Making Evidence Matter For Everyone | May 9-10, 2025
From the clinicians who brought you the Best Science Medicine Course and the Meds Conference, as well as the BS Medicine Podcast and Tools for Practice




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