Episode 23: De-Bugging the Approach to Pneumonia
In episode 23, we begin the discussion of antibiotic prescribing in common respiratory tract infections with a focus on pneumonia. We talk about the limited evidence for the clinical exam in diagnosing pneumonia. We review the variability in antibiotics suggested in guidelines and evidence for coverage of atypical pneumonia. We also discuss the research on dosing and duration of antibiotics. We find out what antibiotic James and Mike would take (and some infections they have had)!
Show Notes
1) Contributions of symptoms, signs, and other things to the diagnosis of pneumonia.
2) Do you cover for atypical organisms or not when you are treating pneumonia?
Community acquired
3) Amoxicillin for community acquired pneumonia – use 500 to 1000 mg TID
Thorax 2001;56(Suppl 4):iv1-iv64
4) Shorter duration and treating until “feeling better” for 72hours “
Until further data are available, it seems reasonable to treat bacterial infections such as those caused by S. pneumoniae until a patient is afebrile for 72 h”
Three days of antibiotics for hospitalized patients with community acquired pneumonia
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