TEC: Evidence Based Therapeutics
Therapeutics Education Collaboration
Medication Mythbusters – Home of the Best Science (BS) Medicine Podcast

Episode 459: Is 45 really the new 50 in colorectal cancer screening?

In episode 459, James and Mike invite Mike Kolber to talk about whether or not the increased rate of colorectal cancer in people under 50 means we should be screening earlier. We talk about all the numbers and put the risk into the context of the absolute numbers.

Show notes 

1) Tools for Practice

Is 45 really the new 50 in colorectal cancer screening?

2) Canadian task force on preventive health care – colorectal cancer 2016

Episode 458: PREMIUM – So many new studies you need to know about

In episode 458, James and Mike finally get back to being PREMIUM and cover a number of new and useful RCTs. We discuss 4 new Vitamin D trials, atrial fibrillation and do you need both rate and rhythm control, swollen legs and cellulitis, and is colchicine the new statin. Check out the PREMIUM podcast for all the answers.

Show notes 

1) Handout

2) Early Rhythm-Control Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

August 29, 2020 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2019422

Episode 457: Who let the Gout Out? Targeting Uric Acid Levels in Treating Gout

In episode 457, James and Mike yet again invite Joey Ton to go through the evidence around reaching a target serum urate level in patients with gout. As with many arbitrary thresholds determined from observational studies (sometimes), or just made up, when you properly study if there is a benefit to achieving these levels the theory really crumbles under the weight of the evidence. We also briefly talk about the febuxostat vs allopurinol data and the outcomes that matter.

Show notes 

Tools for Practice

Who let the Gout Out? Targeting Uric Acid Levels in Treating Gout

Episode 456: Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections – PART II The Public

In episode 456, James and Mike and Nic continue to go through all the evidence (primarily RCTs) around the use of masks and reducing the risk for viral illnesses. In this episode we talk about our systematic review and what we found for the public. Please also check out our simplified tool that describes all the information we found.

Show notes 

1) Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections among health care workers and the public – PEER umbrella systematic review

Canadian Family Physician 2020;66:509-17

2) PEER simplified tool: mask use by the general public and by health care workers

3) Physical distancing, face masks, and eye protection to prevent person-to-person transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Lancet 2020 Jun 27;395:1973-1987

Episode 455: Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections – PART I Healthcare workers

In episode 455, James and Mike invite Nic Dugré to go through all the evidence (primarily RCTs) around the use of masks and reducing the risk for viral illnesses for both healthcare workers and the public. In this episode we talk about our systematic review and what we found for healthcare workers – the following episode will be about the general public. Please also check out our simplified tool that describes all the information we found.

Show notes 

1) Masks for prevention of viral respiratory infections among health care workers and the public – PEER umbrella systematic review

Canadian Family Physician 2020;66:509-17

2) PEER simplified tool: mask use by the general public and by health care workers

Episode 454: Exercise-induced osteoarthritis: Running into problems?

In episode 454, James and Mike invite Adam Keough to go through all the evidence around the impact of long-term running. We find out that recreational running likely does not increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis but high-level elite athletes may have an increased risk. Interestingly, exercise is one of the most effective treatments for reducing osteoarthritic pain. So as with most things in life – it’s all a balance.

Show notes 

Tools for Practice

Exercise-induced osteoarthritis: Running into problems?

Episode 453: Does baby know best? Baby-led weaning for transitioning to solid foods

In episode 453, James and Mike invite Jessica Kirkwood to go over all the evidence for transitioning infants to solid foods using a baby-led weaning approach versus traditional spoon feeding. Overall, it really didn’t make much difference which approach was used. But listen to hear us take a bite out of all the nuances and context.

Show notes 

Tools for Practice

 “Does baby know best?”: Benefits and harms of baby-led weaning for transitioning to solid foods

Episode 452: Once upon a time in diabetes land – squirrel!

In episode 452, James and Mike go over 2 recent publications which encapsulate all the important evidence around type 2 diabetes. We talk about the misdirection that occurs with T2DM evidence versus what we do in practice. We now have all the evidence and we know what these medications do or don’t do to important clinical endpoints. Could we please use this information when we treat T2DM.

Show notes 

Penn & Teller Give a Lesson in Misdirection Using a Vanishing Chicken

1) Comparative Effectiveness of Glucose-Lowering Drugs for

Type 2 Diabetes – A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis

Ann Intern Med. 2020 Jun 30.  doi: 10.7326/M20-0864

2) Association of glucose-lowering medications with cardiovascular outcomes: an umbrella review and evidence map

Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020 Mar;8(3):192-205

Episode 450: Osteoarthritis – all the evidence for all the treatments – PART II

In episode 450 Mike and James continue, with Danielle and Joey, going over our osteoarthritis systematic review. We talk in detail about all the evidence around oral NSAIDs, glucosamine, topical NSAIDs, chondroitin, viscosupplementation, oral opioids, acetaminophen. And now you know all the numbers.

Show notes 

PEER Umbrella Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews: Management of Osteoarthritis in Primary Care

Can Fam Phy 2020 Mar;66(3):e89-e98

See List of All Podcast Episodes


BS Medicine Podcast

The 2025 MEME Conference – May 9-10, 2025


Making Evidence Matter For Everyone | May 9-10, 2025
From the clinicians who brought you the Best Science Medicine Course and the Meds Conference, as well as the BS Medicine Podcast and Tools for Practice




Check it out at nutritionproposition.com and think about picking up a copy on Amazon. All the evidence you ever wanted about nutrition and the only nutrition book that won’t tell you what to eat.


BedMed: The High Blood Pressure Study

This pragmatic trial is now recruiting in BC. Make a difference and get involved with pragmatic trials (www.pragmatictrials.ca)

PEER Tools


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