Episode 69: More studies you need to know about
In episode 69, the “Two Mikes” are back at it and they use their mics to dispense some really great prescriptive advice for patients with asthma and no heart burn pain and backs and knees which do have pain. James sits back and goes along for the ride but develops back and knee pain by the end, and the Mikes recommend a full body CT scan.
Show Notes
1) In patients with uncontrolled asthma and no GERD, the use of a PPI does not improve asthma symptoms
2) The use of PPIs and other GERD treatment in patients with asthma and acid-reflux symptoms shows no benefit in asthma symptoms
Cochrane Review 2003, No.: CD001496
2) Lumbar imaging for low-back pain without indications of serious underlying conditions does not improve clinical outcomes
3) Incidental meniscal findings on MRI of the knee are common in the general population and increase with increasing age
4) Arthroscopic surgery for osteoarthritis of the knee – no benefit