TEC: Evidence Based Therapeutics
Therapeutics Education Collaboration
Medication Mythbusters – Home of the Best Science (BS) Medicine Podcast

The BS Medicine Podcast episodes are presented by James McCormack and Michael Allan. We try to promote healthy skepticism and critical thinking and most of the podcasts are presented in a case-based approach. We also try to inject some humour into the whole process to make the learning more interesting. Occasionally we have great guests like Mike Kolber, Tina Korownyk and Bruce Arroll help us out.

Most podcast episodes are available for free until they become archived after about 1-2 months. Every 4th episode or so is a “New Studies You Need to Know About” podcast and these will only be available to our Premium Podcast members. Premium members will also be able to listen to all archived episodes since episode #1.

Episode 540: Clear, not cloudy: Antibiotic options for uncomplicated urinary tract infections

In episode 540, James and Mike invite Jennifer Young to go over all the evidence we have for what antibiotics to choose for bladder infections. The evidence clearly shows that the antibiotics we have been using for decades are still the drugs of choice. Tune in and find out which one you should choose and also what dose and duration.

Show Notes
1) Tools For Practice
Clear, not cloudy: Antibiotic options for uncomplicated urinary tract infections
MEME medical conference

Episode 539: PREMIUM – You have prostate cancer – now what?

In episode 539, James and Mike focus in a PREMIUM way on the latest prostate cancer intervention trial. Patients with prostate cancer were randomized to active monitoring, surgery, or radiotherapy and followed for 15 years to see which was the best option. Have a listen and hear what was found.

Show Notes

1) Fifteen-Year Outcomes after Monitoring, Surgery, or Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer
N Engl J Med. 2023:10.1056/NEJMoa2214122

2) Patient-Reported Outcomes 12 Years after Localized Prostate Cancer Treatment
NEJM Evid 2023;2 DOI: 10.1056/EVIDoa2300018

Episode 538: Egging you on to look at the evidence around eggs

In episode 538, James and Mike discuss the great (but pretty much silly) egg controversy. We go over the best available evidence for eggs which is at best not great. We talk about the cohorts, the effect of eggs on cholesterol and much more. At the end we conclude definitively that, and you heard it here first, eggs are not as bad for you as smoking. Tune in to find out why.

Show Notes

The Nutrition Proposition
Book website

Amazon Link

Episode 537: A Jab for Your CAD: Influenza vaccination for the prevention of cardiovascular events

In episode 537, Mike and James invite Ricky Turgeon back to the podcast to talk about the impact of the influenza vaccination on cardiovascular events in both primary and secondary prevention. The best evidence is in secondary prevention. Tune-in to hear the numbers.

Show Notes
1) Tools for Practice
A Jab for Your CAD: Influenza vaccination for the prevention of cardiovascular events

2) Annual MEME conference – Vancouver May 12/13, 2023

3) CFPC Learn

Episode 536: Asymptomatic bacteriuria in the elderly – Don’t drug the bugs?

In episode 536, Mike and James talk about 4 questions – Is any bacteriuria associated with altered mental state? – Does treating ASB improve/prevent clinical outcomes? – Does treating ASB improve altered mental state? – Do antibiotic reduction interventions for ASB affect patient outcomes? Tune in to find out the answers.

Show Notes
1) Tools for Practice
Asymptomatic bacteriuria in the elderly: Don’t drug the bugs?

2) Annual MEME talk Vancouver May 12/13, 2023

3) CFPC Learn


Episode 535: Wouldn’t Bet On it: What is the risk of muscle symptoms on statins?

In episode 535, Mike and James work through all the evidence and come up with the definitive (in our minds) answer as to whether or not statins cause muscle symptoms. They likely do in 1% of people, but if you have muscle symptoms when you are on a statin it is very unlikely it is because of the statin.

Show Notes
Tools for Practice
Wouldn’t Bet On it: What is the risk of muscle symptoms on statins?

Annual MEME talk Vancouver May 12/13, 2023

CFPC Learn

Episode 534: Come Spy with Me: Continuous glucose monitoring in diabetes

In episode 534, Mike and James bring Jamie Falk to go through all the evidence for continuous glucose monitors that use subcutaneous sensors. There certainly seems to be evidence of benefit for T1DM but when it comes to T2DM the evidence for a benefit is not clear at all. Have a listen to get all the details.

Show Notes
Tools for Practice
Come Spy with Me: Continuous glucose monitoring in diabetes
Annual MEME talk Vancouver May 12/13, 2023

Episode 533: PREMIUM – 4 new pieces of evidence to add to the puzzle

In episode 533, Mike and James go PREMIUM yet again with new information on not so new primary care questions. We talk about FODMAP diets, intra-articular steroids, cannabis and time taken in family practice to do everything.

Show Notes
1) Diet or medication in primary care patients with IBS: the DOMINO study – a randomised trial supported by the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE Trials Programme) and the Rome Foundation Research Institute
Gut. 2022 Nov;71(11):2226-2232
2) Clinical effectiveness of one ultrasound guided intra-articular corticosteroid and local anaesthetic injection in addition to advice and education for hip osteoarthritis (HIT trial): single blind, parallel group, three arm, randomised controlled trial
BMJ. 2022 Apr 6;377:e068446
3) Revisiting the Time Needed to Provide Adult Primary Care
J Gen Intern Med. 2022 Jul 1 . DOI: 10.1007/s11606-022-07707-x


Episode 532: Topical Anal Fissure Treatments – getting to the bottom of it

In episode 532, Mike and James bring Mike Kolber in to chat about potential treatments for anal fissures. We discuss the evidence for topical nitroglycerin, topical calcium channel blockers and topical Vitamin E. At the end we provide guidance that will blow your head off – or maybe we were all using too high a dose of topical nitroglycerin.

Show Notes
Tools for Practice
Topical Anal Fissure Treatments – getting to the bottom of it

Episode 531: Bronchodilators or inhaled steroids for post-infectious cough

In episode 531, Mike and James chat with Samantha Moe yet again. In this podcast we go over all the best evidence for whether or not inhalers help with post-infectious cough in adults without asthma. The evidence is miles/kilometres from being overwhelming but we do our best give you numbers you can use in your practice.

Show Notes
Tools for Practice
Coughing up the evidence: Bronchodilators or inhaled steroids for post-infectious cough

See List of All Podcast Episodes


BS Medicine Podcast

The 2025 MEME Conference – May 9-10, 2025


Making Evidence Matter For Everyone | May 9-10, 2025
From the clinicians who brought you the Best Science Medicine Course and the Meds Conference, as well as the BS Medicine Podcast and Tools for Practice




Check it out at nutritionproposition.com and think about picking up a copy on Amazon. All the evidence you ever wanted about nutrition and the only nutrition book that won’t tell you what to eat.


BedMed: The High Blood Pressure Study

This pragmatic trial is now recruiting in BC. Make a difference and get involved with pragmatic trials (www.pragmatictrials.ca)

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